Requirements  -  Introduction  -  Installation -  Configuration -  FAQ -  Developers  -  Credits  - 

TheReloader 0.1a Documentation

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  1. Download the file

  2. Extract into a location of your choice.

  3. If you have not done so, install MySQL. (Download from Tested with versions 3.23.47-nt and 4.0.18-nt

  4. Install JDBC Driver. (Download from, place jar file in your jdk's jre\lib\ext folder.)

  5. Create database. You can do this and import some test data by running the mysql command line client that comes with MySQL, then use the \. command. Ex: \. data.txt

  6. Run the application. If you have installed the standard com.mysql.jdbc.Driver jdbc driver, and are trying to access a local instance of the database with no username or password required, you can just type

      java -jar TheReloader.jar

    Otherwise, you can specify the jdbc driver and url on the command line, like so:

      java -jar TheReloader.jar com.mysql.jdbc.Driver jdbc:mysql://localhost/reloading?user=MyUser\&password=MyPassword

    Note: on Linux/UNIX systems the ambersand "&" needs to be escaped "\" so that it will be sent with the URL to the jdbc driver properly.

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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

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Developers Information

Right now, the application is limited to basic data entry, search, and retrieval. The printing functionality is not fully implemented, nor are any of the planned bells and whistles, like printing, load data analysis, or bar code scanning.

A list of items being added is being worked on.

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TheReloader - Credits
in chronological order
Brad Hanken – Originator – He who owns the project, and rightfully so.
Rodney Lancaster - User, Documentation, Setup.

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